About Bill Rau
I live in a small rural community in southeastern Utah. It has been home for over seven years. The high desert region has special appeal: grand spires and mesa, deep canyons, the Colorado and Green rivers, endless changing light and clouds. It is a wonderful region for exploring different aspects of photography, from iconic images to areas rarely explored by anyone.
Photography brings me closer to subjects I find interesting and beautiful. Also, photography takes me to places and puts me in situations that I may have missed otherwise, including small villages in southern France and the desert regions of the western US. Photography opens me to a wider world and I’m excited by the adventures.
I’m a former president of the Silver Spring Camera Club, in Maryland. Now I work closely with several environmental groups to protect the unique landscapes of southern Utah from oil and gas drilling and tar sands strip mining.
I work with rural communities and organizations as a volunteer, providing photographs which can be used to enhance their publicity, themes and strategies. Contact me (brau30@gmail.com) to discuss how I can assist, as a volunteer, your community or group.